Real Estate Solution
Tech Prime Web introduces its Real Estate Solution listing manager which means we can have you up and running with minimal costs but with all of the functionality of a great real estate site. Our Real Estate Solution allows independent real estate agents, brokers, or property managers to upload and maintain listings for sale, for rent and/or for lease. Additional features includes the ability to upload photo galleries, add categories, sub-categories, agent profiles as well as company profiles. Allow users to save and manage favorite properties.
Some key features of Tech Prime Web's Real Estate Solution include:
- Allows visitors to look through your real estate at any time.
- Automatically interfaces with Google Maps - potential customers will always know exactly where to find your property.
- Viral Marketing - visitors can email listings to their friends right from the Real Estate Solution.
- Flexible search - browse properties according to whatever criteria visitors like.
- AJAX powered property search map
- Google Maps
- Automatic PDF flyer generation
- Convenient tabbed layouts
- RSS Feeds by category, agent, or company properties
- Company Property View
- Company Agents View
- Agent Properties View
- Ability for users to save/manage favorite properties
- Multiple Image Gallery Options
- Multi-language capability
- Mortgage Calculator
- Much much more!!!
- Secure - no one but you or assign Administrator can change your listings.
- Easily keep your property listings updated - no HTML coding required to add, delete, or modify listings.
- Built-in image manager - upload photos via your web browser, either when creating new listings or modifying an existing one. If photos are not uploaded for a property, a "photo not available" image will be automatically displayed for the listing.
- Automatically thumbnails - smaller versions of your images are automatically created through the GD library.
- Showcase specific properties - built-in featured listing manager allows you to place special offerings right on your front page.
- Multi-level categories/subcategories
- Ability to apply properties to multiple categories and agents
- Custom category/company/agent icon uploads and selection from panel
- Multiple property image upload and linking
- Manage and order all property images
- Settings Galore! Configure colors, gallery, filters, and more through IP settings!
- Custom CSS editing from admin panel
- Feature properties, agents, or companies
- Add custom property amenities
- Drag and drop Google Map location tool
- Upload related documents (PDFs, Word Docs, SWF) easily per listing
- MySQL database back-end - fast mySQL included in our hosting plans.
- Plenty More!!
Our Real Estate Solutions are affordable and comprehensive. If you are a Realtor, Agent, property owner and/or property management company and you need to get your real estate business online for the first time, or you need your outdated website re-vamped, then you've come to the right place. We're experts in Web design, online marketing and Web programming and offer you a team of Web professionals for any real estate project, no matter how big.