How to quickly increase the All-in-One WP Migration plugin upload limit

How to quickly increase the All-in-One WP Migration plugin upload limit

Increasing the 512MB size limit on All-in-One WP Migration Plugin

For the instructions outlined to be able to work, you must use All-in-one WP Migration Plugin the previous version 6.77 or earlier.

You can download the version 6.77 here at, all-in-one-wp-migration.6.77

In the constants file…

Find this…

// =================
// = Max File Size =
// =================
define( ‘AI1WM_MAX_FILE_SIZE’, 2 << 28 );

and replace with this…

// =================
// = Max File Size =
// =================
define( 'AI1WM_MAX_FILE_SIZE', 2 << 28 *1.2);

And you will have 16GB upload limit.